Improved conditions for Cyclists and Pedestrians in Lucan.

The following text has been taken from Independent Councillor Paul Gogarty facebook page. He represents residents in South Dublin County Council. He recently put forward a motion (53368) at the local Area committee meeting to improve conditions for Cyclists and pedestrians travelling to and from school. Please see text below.

Text taken from Paul Gogarty’s FB page.

Measures to safely separate cyclists and pedestrians at N4 overbridge between Cherbury Park and Esker Glebe (and apparent non-suitability of footbridge at Willsbrook Park for same)

Following on from my motion on this issue being passed last month, it was agreed to bring a headed item to the agenda at today’s Area Committee meeting to examine the situation further. To my delight and surprise, as well as agreeing to carry out the works, the Manager also indicated that this should be done over the summer months given that the largest groups using the bridge are children going to schools both directions as well as the parents of younger children. Apparently the relatively small cost makes it possible to fund without waiting for next year’s budget.

I did ask that any works should not interfere in the future pathway along the side of the new cemetery heading towards Vesey Park. But hopefully everything will be ready come September.

See motion report below, which also referenced the footbridge at Willsbrook as unsuitable for similar works:


HEADED ITEM: L. Planning & Transportation

Traffic analysis, over the N4, between Cherbury Park and Esker Glebe


At the April Lucan ACM the following issues were raised (motion 53368) and it was agreed to carry out a detailed investigation and bring a report back to the May Lucan ACM.

“That the Chief Executive, acknowledging that such a route is pencilled in as a potential linkage to Lucan village and local schools under the Lucan Access Study, and in the absence of any formal plans to date, takes into account the existing steady stream of cycle traffic and pedestrian traffic using the footbridge over the N4 between Cherbury Park and Esker Glebe and clearly marks a temporary cycle route on the pathway between both roads and especially over the bridge so as to avoid increasing incidences of cyclists and pedestrians criss crossing one another, this being a danger to younger children and older persons and not a situation readily enforceable by Gardai.”

SDCC acknowledge that this route is mentioned in the Lucan Access Study.

This bridge is 4.0m wide and is used by a large number of pedestrians and cyclists. The approach paths to the bridge are only 2.0m wide each but are located in an area with a wide verge.

Works required:

  • White lining across bridge to provide for a dedicated 2 way cycle lane and a separate pedestrian lane.
    • Erect additional bollards to limit accessibility to pedestrians and cyclists.
    • Provide new road markings on the approach ramps.
    • Construct an additional 2.5m wide 2 way cycle lane beside the approach footpaths in macadam to provide colour contrast.
    • Erection of appropriate signage on all approaches to indicate that the bridge is shared The likely cost of the above works would be €10,000-€15,000. Please also find attached a sketch on OS backround mapping of the bridge, the local primary and secondary schools and the most frequented routes to schools in the locality. As part of the study I (Roads Engineer) also assessed the suitability of the footbridge from Willsbrook to Woodville and concluded that due to its width and gradients, it is only suitable for pedestrian traffic.

Friday, 26 May 2017 (All day)

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