Access to Latchford park blocked by kissing gates
Another example of how kissing gates block access to parks and reduce the permeability and options for people cycling with non standard bicycle. The purpose of kissing gates is to prevent scramblers from causing problems in parks. As you can see a scrambler can easily gain access to the park if they wanted too. Unfortunately, it prevents local users from accessing their parks and places of interest during level 5 restrictions. Its time for Fingal County Council to come up with a proper strategy to make cycling and walking easier in local parks. Kissing gates are not the solution. Its the lazy option and is discriminatory.
There is also plenty of space in the park to consider a cycle lane to be installed beside the current path as it is quite narrow and it does not go around the park in a complete circuit.
It’s time to kiss the gates goodbye! #kissthegatesgoodbye
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