Legal Information
Legal Status of The Irish Cycling Campaign CLG
Irish Cycling Campaign CLG is the umbrella organisation for cycling advocacy in Ireland, which is, in turn, a member of the European Cyclists’ Federation ( Dublin Cycling Campaign is a member of Irish Cycling Campaign.
Irish Cycling Campaign operates as a single company limited by guarantee and having no share capital. The company has a board of seven directors. The day to day activities of the campaign are managed by a committee of approximately 15 people. The board are elected at the annual general meeting.
Irish Cycling Campaign is registered under the Companies Registration Office No. 348143 [] and Charities Regulator Number CRN 20102029
The current (2022) directors are:
- Mairéad Forsythe (Chair)
- Paschal Comerford (Treasurer)
- Eugene Doran
- Mary Sinnott
- Dimi Kirova
- Vinnie Meyler (Secretary) -
- Sandra Velthuis
The income of the Campaign comes primarily from membership subscriptions from individual members.
The Campaign is listed in the IPA ‘Yearbook and Diary’ under the Social and Community organisations category.
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