Balroy SHD in Castleknock approved with internal cycle path


The site is located on Carpenterstown Road in Castleknock, c. 200m north west of the M50. The area is predominantly suburban housing estates. This stretch of Carpenterstown Road still retains some of the character of a country road with hedgerows and mature trees, however there are several recent developments across the road including Cottonwood immediately opposite the site and Fottrell Hall to the east, both characterised by large, detached houses. The Diswellstown development lies to the south of the site with a more compact mix of houses and apartment blocks. The site is within an area designated as a High Sensitivity Landscape in the Landscape Character Assessment of the Fingal County Development Plan. St. Patrick’s NS is c. 900m walk to the south west of the site. Castleknock Community College is a 1.5 km walk to the north and neighbourhood retail provision approximately 650m to the west. The subject site is a c. 1.2 km walking distance from Coolmine train station and c. 500 m from a No. 37 bus stop

Bicycle parking Bicycle parking should be provided as an area integral to the apartment and not in a separate structure or adjacent to the bin stores.

During the planning stages ABP met with Fingal County Council to discuss Transport, In relation to access and mobility, ABP representatives sought further elaboration / discussion on: • Car parking quantum and management • Development plan objective to provide a cycle / pedestrian route on Carpenterstown Road. Planning authority stated that an optimum footpath provision would be 1.8m footpath, however less than this could be contemplated. • Access to Carpenterstown Road • TIA site / junction selection, example of Bracken Park trip generation rates.

2.3 Car Parking and Cycle Parking Provision 11 The scheme will provide adequate quantum of car and bicycle parking across the site considered appropriate in the context of the site’s location and proximity to public transport links. Parking will be minimised at surface level in order to contribute to the prioritisation of pedestrian movement within the site, with the majority of car and bicycle parking located at basement level, accessed via a ramp alongside the eastern perimeter of the site.49 no. visitor spaces are included, in accordance with the 1 no. space for every 4 no. units. A total of 352 no. bicycle parking spaces are provided which equates to 1 no. space per resident (330) and includes visitor parking. The proposed parking provision is considered appropriate in the context of the site’s ‘intermediate’ location in the 2018 Apartment Guidelines, with accessibility to Dublin Bus and Commuter Rail at Carpenterstown Road and Coolmine rail station respectively.

Car Parking and Cycle Parking Provision Car Parking Cycle Parking Apartments 79 (surface) 113 (basement) 172 (surface ) 180 (basement) Overall 250

Visitor 3 (surface) 45 (basement) (included in the above) Overall 352

Source: De Blacam & Meagher Architects Schedule of Areas

12 The scheme will provide a sustainable quantum of car and bicycle parking across the site considered appropriate in the context of the site’s location and proximity to public transport links. Parking will be minimised at surface level in order to contribute to the prioritisation of pedestrian movement within the site, with the majority of car and bicycle parking located at basement level, accessed via a ramp in the eastern portion of the site.

13 Appropriate parking provision has also been proposed to serve the crèche in Block A, as well as providing for drop off. The proposed quantum of parking has been considered through pre-application engagement with Fingal County Council roads department and OCSC Consulting Engineers and is further detailed within the accompanying Transport Impact Assessment.

14 The proposed parking levels are seen to comply with the standards set out by the 2018 Apartment Guidelines and provide 1 no. car parking space for each unit. An additional

Greater Dublin Area cycle network

Thursday, 25 March 2021 - 10:00pm

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