Cycle Protest on Monday 3rd October 2016: Guidelines for Protesters

Our aim is to have a peaceful, law-abiding, protest that keeps everyone safe but draws the attention of the Minister for Transport and the public in general to the lack of funding for cycling

Wear bright clothes. The Marshalls will wear high-viz; everyone else wear normal clothes.

Have a big loud bell on your bike and ring it as much as possible.

Listen to the Safety Announcements

Obey the Instructions of the Marshalls.

Ride safely.

If you get detached from the main protest just follow the route to the assembly point at Leeson Lane

Any participant who interferes with the orderly conduct of the Protest will be instructed to leave the Protest by a Marshall, or other representative of the Dublin Cycling Campaign.

The plan for the protest is as follows:

• Assemble at the Dublin Bike stand on Merrion Square West at 5.30 p.m.

• Depart c. 5.45, travel up Merrion Street;

• Pause opposite the headquarters of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, while one or two people cross the road to deliver a letter to the Minister;

• Travel via Ely Place, Hume Street, St. Stephen’s Green East, and Leeson St. to the headquarters of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in Leeson Lane.

• Assemble outside Department and hand in a letter for Minister Ross. We will advise the Minister in advance and will invite him to come to meet us.

• We will have speakers, and possibly some music, at both locations.

• 6.15 – 6.30 p.m. cycle back up Leeson Lane and Leeson Street, and proceed via St. Stephen’s Green South, Cuffe St., Aungier Street, Gt. Longford St. and Stephen’s St. Upper and Lower to Drury Street bicycle park where we will park our bikes and disperse.

Here’s a link to a map of the route

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