Cycling officer for Fingal County Council

At a recent full council meeting on January 11th a motion was put forward by Cllr Karen Power requesting an update on the status of appointing a cycling officer for Fingal County Council. Its now 20 months since a unanimous vote was passed by the council on a motion originally submitted by then Cllr Roderic O’Gorman back in 2019. We have covered the history in a previous article.… During the discussion at the coundil meeting which is attached below Cllr Power had concerns that the appointment had been delayed and was concerned that the lack of an officer will delay progress on cycling and walking projects with the incrreased funding being allocated by the current programme for government. David Storey the Director Of Services for Environment, Climate Change & Active Travel at Fingal County Council. Mr Storey’s Dept is responsible for cycling and walking stated that he had submitted a request for funding specifically for this position from the NTA recently. The meeting concluded with the Chief Executive to get back to Cllr Power on the status of the funding being allocated by the NTA and the if the position is possible when the funding has been announced.

Cllr Karen Power motion is attached below
Motion: Councillor K. Power

“That the Chief Executive appoint at senior level, a Cycling and Walking Officer on the back of recent significant funding from the National Transport Authority for such projects for Fingal.”


The improvement of cycling facilities and infrastructure in Fingal and enhancing the visibility and promotion of cycling in the County are priorities for the Council. The Council sets out its policies and plans for cycling and walking in the County Development Plan and senior officers regularly engage/meet with the National Transport Authority to develop and agree programmes for cycling and walking. In addition, cycling and walking policies are implemented on an ongoing basis through the development management and forward planning (Local Area Plans etc.) processes. The responsibility for the promotion and raising of awareness initiatives specific to cycling is assigned to the Council’s Road Safety Unit whose remit includes:  Contact point for queries relating to cycling matters  Co-ordinating cycling events i.e. Bike Week etc.  Managing Cycle Training in schools throughout the County  Information and awareness  Promotion of cycling events  Liaising with An Taisce for their ‘Green Schools’ surveys  Carrying out Walking and Cycling audits of school routes and developing “Walking Bus” routes Alongside this, responsibility for investment in and the development of the necessary infrastructure, whether through the adaptation of existing roads or the construction of new routes is assigned to those sections of the Council in which the necessary engineering design and works expertise resides. Members will be aware that staffing and organisational arrangements are made with a view to the efficient and effective delivery of the functions of the Council. Arrangements are kept under review and are improved and revised as the operating environment changes. The foregoing arrangements regarding the cycling programme are considered appropriate at the moment however, as with all programmes, staffing and resourcing arrangements will be kept under review as the programme evolves. The requirement for the designation of a Cycling Officer will be considered in this context.

You can watch discussion at council meeting here: Discussion of Cycling officer starts around 2Hrs 36mins on the link provided.

Wednesday, 13 January 2021 - 4:00pm

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