Harry Reynolds pedestrian and cycle path upgrade

UPDATE: At a recent full council meeting for Fingal area a motion was put forward by Cllr Karen Power (Green party) regarding shared spaces for both cycling and walking in the designs for the Harry Reynolds and issues with the poor quality design for the roundabouts in the plans. These issues had also been mentioned by Fingal Cycling Campaign in our recent submission but we had not received engagement with Fingal County Council or the consultant engineers ATKINS. The motion put forward is discussed at approx 15 mins into this video on the Fingal County Council archive page https://fingalcoco.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/516671 The motion request further consultation with cycling stakeholders. The motion was passed and Dublin Cycling Campaign can engage with the engineers on the detailed design stage. This is very important as Cllr Power had highlighted that the quality of the designs is limited and can quickly become outdated with the new National Cycling Manual by Dept of Transport to be published soon.

The newly formed Fingal Cycling Campaign a sub group of Dublin Cycling Campaign has made a submission on the proposed construction of pedestrian and cyclist facilities on Hamilton Road and Harry Reynolds Road in Balbriggan. Co. Dublin. Full submission attached,

Summary Dublin Cycling Campaign are supportive of projects where walking and cycling are placed at the top of the transport hierarchy. Unfortunately, though there are many positive aspects to this design, we cannot support this project in its current format. We would ask once again that the Council and designers meet with us to go through the many flawed issues arising in the proposed design. Disappointingly, this lack of vision is borne out in the design. Junctions remain dangerous and uninviting for cyclists and the small amount of segregation offered by this scheme disappears at conflict points where it is needed the most. We, like Fingal County Council, would like to encourage less experienced and more vulnerable cyclists to take to their bikes. The proposed changes in this design will not do this. Protecting people cycling at pinch points in particular, should be a given, but the proposed design at the many roundabouts makes people cycling vulnerable to encroaching drivers.

In the introduction of this consultation it mentions speed limits to 50 km/h throughout. This needs to be reconsidered in light of Dublin City Council plans to reduce speed limits across the city to 30 KmpH. A cyclist hit at 50 KmpH only has a 50:50 chance of survival.

Closing date: 19 August 2020 at 5pm https://consult.fingal.ie/en/consultation/part-viii-harry-reynolds-road-…

Tuesday, 18 August 2020 - 9:30pm

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