Oireachtas Bikeweek Cycle

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 - 1:00pm
Dáil Éireann. Leinster House

Dáil/Oireachtas Politicians Get on Their Bikes for National Bikeweek

Date: Tuesday 16th May
Time: 1pm
Location: Front Gate Leinster House, and along the cycle route

National Bikeweek is well under way, with hundreds of events taking place all across the country between Saturday 13th May and Sunday 21st May. There is literally ‘something for everyone’, on every day of the week, at a location near you, from fun cycles, to film shows to bike repairs to adventure cycles and family events. Check out the web link above for full details.

But, with the support of Cyclist.ie our Dáil/Oireachtas politicians are also showing the way and taking time out to demonstrate the role of the bicycle in tackling Climate Change and making a difference in terms of our transport choices. On Tuesday 16th May at 1pm a range of our politicians from all party persuasions will Get on Their Bikes, and cycle a circular route around the Leinster House complex.

This will be an opportunity to engage with politicians from all Parties who are coming together to show how cycling is a key pillar of both our national transport and climate targets.


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