Cycle Parking

Achieving a Cycling-Friendly Ireland: A National Cycling Promotion Policy: September 2008: Version 1.1

3.4 Bike parking and storage

Assuming that most people have access to a bicycle and the public roads network, a significant obstacle to be overcome in getting more people to cycle is the lack of somewhere to lock bikes securely. The absence of secure and convenient parking may be a significant suppressor of cycling demand among commuters who already have access to reasonably suitable roads. For schoolchildren, the Green Schools pilot schemes have shown that the basic lack of bike parking is one of the first obstacles to be overcome in increasing bicycle use. There is an acute shortage of suitable bicycle parking and storage arrangements in Irish urban areas. All major urban developments, park & ride areas and train stations should have suitable bike storage facilities. The state must actively ensure that all potential destinations for bicycle users provide suitable bicycle parking. This includes private developments as well as all state-funded public buildings such as hospitals, schools and colleges. Standards for approved bicycle storage, similar to other building standards for insulation and so on, must be imposed for new developments and dwellings. Targets must be set for the provision of bike parking, e.g. to have approved bike parking equivalent to 20% of car parking spaces in place in all urban areas by 2012.

The Danish Cyclists’ Federation has published good guidance for planners, architects, etc on bike parking facilities. It is available on-line at this URL in English:

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