Developing guidelines for a premium National Cycle Network

The concept of developing a National Cycle Network (NCN), and what it means, was first openly discussed as part of the National Cycle Policy Framework (NCPF), published in 2009. In that seminal report the concept of the NCN was built around the 2007 Fáilte Ireland Cycle Strategy document, co-authored by one of our own long standing members, Damien Ó Tuama.

Following from the NCPF the National Roads Authority (NRA) delivered a scoping report (The National Cycle Network Scoping Study) in 2010 on the potential for connecting all towns with a population of 10,000 or more. This report and its proposed network map above have since become to be perceived as an agreed National Network. This is not actually the case. Cycling Campaign are keen to ensure that the above DRAFT network is not perceived as THE Cycle Network, as this could potentially limit the development of cycle routes in other areas. Even the NCN scoping study recognises this, by clearly stating that this NCN map is merely a ‘Framework’ on which to build. Cycling Campaign are now part of a working group under the aegis of the Smarter Travel Unit of the Department of Transport Tourism & Sport and the National Transport Authority, which is working to develop a broader concept of a National Cycle Network. The objective of this group is to produce nationally agreed guidelines for the prioritised development of rural cycle routes, which will both develop tourism potential, and promote increased local use of the bicycle as a mode of transport. The work of this group will be key in determining future policy and priorities for cycling nationwide.

News Item

Monday, 31 March 2014 (All day)

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